A new season has begun. What are you going to grow?

Every new season brings us a chance to be in harmony with nature and learn from her.

If you are a gardener or willing to become one, you have faced or will face the challenge to learn what to grow and when to grow. Some veggies will flourish in cold weather whereas others will wilt in summer. Working with nature is the best way to easily overcome this challenge.

Go ahead this spring and take the chance to sow or transplant fruits, veggies and herbs from this season. You will not only save time and money, but most importantly you will be delighted with fresh and super tasty flavours.

In the beginning of spring, in the north hemisphere, you can plant various veggies and herbs in your urban garden, such as:

  • lettuce
  • cabbage
  • parsley
  • tomato
  • chicory

When shopping for food, stick with nature and she won’t let you down. According to Brian Haleil, author of “Eat Here: Homegrown”: foods that are harvested earlier in order to endure long distance shipping won’t have the full complement of nutrients that might have had otherwise. Transporting goods requires sometimes preservatives and irradiation to kill germs. Seasonal local foods are cheaper, fresher and less likely to have chemical substances added.

Think big in small spaces

We want to empower urban citizens to think big even when living in small spaces.

We believe that urban agriculture goes beyond eating healthy food and reducing the environmental impact: it helps to improve people’s quality of life by acquiring healthy habits, reconnecting with nature and harvesting special moments with the loved ones.

There is always something we can grow at home, either in a spacious or a tiny place. Think about it! In a small vase it’s possible to grow herbs like parsley, basil or coriander – all this can give a special flavor and meaning to a meal.

The pleasure of growing something goes beyond tasting a fresh flavor. It gives us that unique feeling of doing something with our own hands and with love to our loved ones.

Here at Noocity we are working really hard to make agriculture accessible for all urban citizens, regardless of the space they have available to grow. Soon we will be launching a new line of products with everything you need to start growing organic food at home right away or next season! Stay tuned.

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Vegetable garden Kit

Everything you need to
start growing at home

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